- The blue sky. The wind swirling in the leaves
- A platypus in the yard. A mysterious looking platypus
- A girl who moves away
- A girl he sees from time to time but knows he will never get to know. He knows he will never get that chance, never get that close
- They took “Leave It To Beaver” off the air at noon and replaced it with “Matlock.” They bumped the Beaver back to 3:00 and now he can’t watch it during his lunch break
- He’s going through this “weird thing” right now
- In the greater scheme of things, possessions don’t really matter anyway
- He, in fact, does “respect” you and your personal belongings; it’s just that he was merely blowing off some steam and that is something you should let slide every now and then if you really are his friend
- Things just aren’t really going his way right now
- Why not? What does it matter anyway?
- Who knows why anyone does anything
- He just felt like it, that’s all
- He doesn’t really know why he upped and trashed your place
- An apology will be issued at a later date in the form of a beer
- No, you shut up
- He doesn’t really feel like talking about it
- He has difficulty expressing himself verbally
- He was frustrated
- He’s not a very good person. Or at least not just yet anyway
- He was just having a bad day, that’s all
- Something about your place just rubs him the wrong way, that’s all — brings out the worst in him, I mean, what would you have done?
- He’s jealous of your place because he sees it as being always and forever better than his place in every manner imaginable
- He was thirsty and looking for a water glass
- He misplaced something — a pencil, I think, and had to move some things around in order to locate it, that‘s all. I mean, it was his pencil after all. It belonged to him
- Aw come on, be cool man, I mean, what’s wrong with that? Huh? He was only jokin’, man — just kiddin’ around. Can’t you take a joke, man? Why you always gotta make a big deal of everything, always actin’ the fool? Huh? Sounds like you’re the one with the problem. Takin’ everything so seriously. Huh? Sounds like you’re the one with issues
- It’s a secret. Why you need to know everything? Huh, Mr. Busybody? Why don’t you go out and get a life of your own and not be so preoccupied with everyone else’s?
- He has difficulty walking after waking from a long nap, so maybe he bumped into a few things and accidentally knocked some things down. Now why you wanna tease him about that? Huh? Why you always be goin’ and teasin’ everyone now? Huh? What’s wrong with you?
- Well that’s just Denby, I mean, you know how he is
- Maybe if you’d invite him over more often he wouldn’t have to resort to pulling that sort of stunt
- It was just one of those things, I mean what’re you gonna do?
- He was just looking for attention
- He just doesn’t like you and you finally pushed him too far. I mean how much do you expect one person to take? Huh? You think he’s just going to sit there and take that shit?
- Well you know, it’s just another one of those things that’re wrapped up in the mysteries of the universe
- Why should I tell you anything? Huh? I don’t need to explain myself to the likes of you. You don’t deserve to know. I mean what’ve you ever done? Huh? What?
- He has been regressing emotionally for some time now, and it finally just got the better of him
- It was just the damnedest thing. I tell ya. You’re just going to have to accept it and move on, and that’s all there is to it. You’re just going to have to reconcile it in your own mind
- He was just a little nervous, that’s all
- He was feeling a little uncomfortable, a little on edge, that’s all
- He wasn’t feeling well at all. He’s been a little under the weather lately. He hasn’t been feeling himself lately. Where’s your compassion? Your empathy?
- Sometimes a guy just needs ta do certain things, that’s all
- It was an urge. Now give the guy a break why don’t cha
- Had been a dream of his for some time now. And how often do any of us get to live out and fulfill one of our dreams? Huh? And who are you to go around denying him a little fulfillment and contentment? Huh? How do you sleep at night? Huh? How can you live with yourself?
- I guess I could go and ask you the very same thing now couldn’t I? Huh? How do ya like that, huh? How you like them apples?
- He didn’t. Why you always gotta be lyin’ ‘bout him? Huh? Always bad mouthin’ him behind his back, you two-faced, insecure weasel. You weakling. You gutless coward. Why you always gotta be makin’ shit up? Huh? Startin’ smear campaigns? Huh? You jealous of him or something? It’s obvious you’re the one with problems, buddy. Why don’t you go out an’ get your own life. So you won’t always be pre-occupied with other people’s lives
- He’s very very sorry and will never do it again. He’s been thinking about it a lot lately and can’t even look you in the eye. In fact he hasn’t been out of bed for days
- Well he can’t very well trash his own place now can he?
- Yeah how ’bout that? Wasn’t that something?
- Yeah, like you even care about Denby and what he’s going through right now, you self-centered bastard
- Gee, I really don’t know and really don’t care. Why don’t you go and figure it out for yourself there genius. Huh? Everybody else always gotta do your thinkin’ for you?
- I think he had switched shampoo or toothpaste brands or something, and it just really threw him off there for a moment
- Why should Denby explain himself to you or anyone else for that matter?
- You give me, eemmm, say fifty bucks and maybe I’ll clue you in a little, dumb shit
- Denby’s goin’ hardcore from now on and if you don’t like it that’s your malfunction, peabrain. Why don’t you just accept it and get out of the way
- How can any of us explain the unexplainable?
- Hey, even the best of us makes mistakes every now and then. If he apologizes, makes amends, and sets things straight, then I’d call it even, now ease up off his back about it
- Even the best of us has to trash a room every now and then. It’s one of our rights as Americans. It’s one of our many birthrights. Eventually, as a culture, we go and trash entire countries. What are you, un-American or something?
- It was just time, that’s all
- The voices. The voices. And you’re just jealous because he can hear them and you can’t
- Well, I guess, you know, I mean gee whiz, come on here
- Because he looks up to you. He admires you
- Why don’t you go and ask him yourself there tough guy
- I could go an’ ask you the same thing there, pal. Huh? Why didn’t you trash your own place, huh? Everybody gotta do everything for you? Huh? Denby goes and takes the initiative and this is the thanks he gets?
- Sometimes things just don’t turn out the way we want them to you know. Sometimes life is just like that
- Denby? Well let me tell you something about ol’ Denby there . . .
- It’s just all part of the grand scheme of things, and you don’t question the grand scheme of things
- He was redecorating. I guess it’s just a matter of taste, and you just don’t appreciate or understand his “vision.” I guess you just don’t have taste. I mean he was just helping out, that’s all. Don’t you appreciate it when a friend tries ta help ya out? Huh? This is how you thank a friend for helping, huh? For trying his very best? This is the way you say thanks? Huh? By going around and accusing him of stuff? Huh? By spreading lies about the guy? What’s wrong with you?
- Well, I guess we could argue all day long about what is inherently “true” and what is inherently “false” in any recollection of any event. It’s more of how accurate or factual your personal perception is. It’s more about what was your perception of the alleged incident, about the veracity of your thought processes . . .
- He is, in fact, an agent working in a secret capacity for the intelligence community and was looking for some hidden microfilm. What’re you, un-American or something? Huh commie?
- He’s been under a great deal of stress lately, what with the world being in the shape it’s in right now and all
- What’s it to ya, bub?
- He was goaded into it. It’s all “society’s” fault, and so you owe him a beer
- He had a great big case of the sillies. He was just being a “Goofy Gus”
- What are you, some kind of anal retentive perfectionist? Huh ya little sickie. So the place is a little “messed up” as you claim, well let me tell you a thing or two, junior, the world is a little untidy from time to time, OK? Ya got that? Every now and then, OK numb nuts? Ya got that, Mr. Perfect? Huh? Let us all know the next time something or someone doesn’t meet your high expectations, OK? Will ya do us all that favor? Huh? I mean, we’d really really appreciate it. OK? Huh? Please? Could ya do that for all of us? Could you help us all out by complaining and pointing out everybody’s faults and flaws, Mr. Perfect? Could ya do that for us? Huh? Could ya help us all out a little more? Huh? Or, how ’bout this, the next time one of us can’t meet your oh-so-high standards, why don’t you just keep it to yourself and find yourself something better to do with your free time. Huh? Maybe collect stamps or save coins or something. Or better yet, why not do some volunteer work. Huh? That
might just do the trick in filling that big, obvious void in your life
- He had gotten a really bad hair cut and it just set him off
- You know, I don’t even care. I don’t care about what Denby did or where he did it. I’m just so tired of all your complaining. It’s always everybody else’s fault isn’t it?
- He didn’t. You just made that entire episode up. Didn’t you, liar. We’re all just supposed to feel oh so sorry for you, aren’t we now? Poor, poor, pitiful you. Haven’t you gotten anything better to do?
- He didn’t. He lied about the entire thing. Just to get attention. Just like he lies about everything else
- Well, I guess you’ll just have to figure that one out on your own there genius. Got that, Jasper? The real truth is always somewhere in between, now isn’t it, Maynard? The real truth can be complicated, slippery, elusive. But those tiny little bite-sized versions are much easier to swallow
- Yeah, that’s the thing about the middle class these days — their money makes them feel either guilty, superior, or inferior, even though historically they’re way way better off than just about anyone else in history. Anyway, it makes ’em do strange things, makes ’em feel funny sometimes
- Because some people are scared and jealous of you, and Denby just wanted to “fit in” with that whole crowd
- Why does anybody do anything?
- I guess it’s all in how you look at it. A philosophical person might say he was just straightening things. But I guess that’s just the way a philosophical person would see it. I guess you’re not a very philosophical person now are you, huh? I guess it’s all in how you look at it. A matter of perspective I suppose. I guess you just lack perspective
- That’s just one of the things that makes him unique and special
- The wind. The wind
Tony Rauch
Website: https://trauch.wordpress.com/