All sections
Visual Art
HUNTING by Miller Ganovsky
Excerpts from PARANOID CITI by Shannon Hearn
IMPRESSIONS OF SHINY FEST 3 [Anything for a Weird Life]
THE DARK CASTLE by David C. Porter
PLOT OF A MOVIE by Mary Klein
SUMMER 2024 RECAP [Anything for a Weird Life]
MOON MAGGOT by Courtenay Schembri Gray
Three prose poems by Howie Good
PARADE by Sydney Maguire
IN by Lily Herman
Two poems by Annie Williams
MY BACKYARD, IN THE FLESH by Alan Keith Parker
PERMISO by Carson Jordan
FESTIVAL by Tim Frank
2:49 THEME AND VARIATION by Audrey Coble
KILLING A DOG by A.W. Donnelly
REEK by Rayna Perry
Two poems by Isaac James Richards
TCHOTCHKES by Gabriel Campos
NIAGARA by Juliette Sandoval
TO MAKE OF THEE A NAME by Andrew Buckner
Two poems by Jessica Heron
"Grocery Outlet" by Lisa Loop
"Gatorbear" by John Biron
Interview: Skizz Cyzyk on Baltimore Filmmaking and the Mansion Theater
"On Time" by Hanna Webster
"Only the Most Neutral Executioners" by GRSTALT Comms
Poems for Clara Peller by Ella Wisniewski
"I've Got a Fake I.D. from Nevada and No Name" by Max Stone
Truth Cult (Last Show) [Anything for a Weird Life]
Three poems by Stacy Black
"Bob's on Fire" by Alex Tronson
Two poems by Alexandra Naughton
Reflections on Series Two: How Does He Do It? [Anything for a Weird Life]
"A Sadness that Sings" by David Hay
"The City" by Ryan Bender-Murphy
Three poems by Abigail Sims
"The Depth of the Abrasion" by David C. Porter
Steve Albini 1962-2024 [Anything for a Weird Life]
Some Things are the Same Everywhere [BRUISER Field Report]
BRUISER ZINE 005: Foul Black Rookeries by David Simmons
"Bilbao" (for Richard Serra) by Damon Hubbs
Beyond Periphery by Ada Pelonia
Mayday [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Drones Drones Drones" by Aaron Roman
Review: White Paint Falling Through a Filtered Shaft by Adam Johnson
"Buckskin Jacket." by Noam Hessler
A User's Guide to Universal Order of Armageddon (Numero 221) [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Sepulcherality" by Cora Kircher
“Barricade” by Will Marsh
from Saturn Returns by Ashley E Walters
Fear Eats the Soul: Reflections on a Masterpiece
BRUISER ZINE 004: Saturn Returns by Ashley E Walters
Tape World: O.K. Let's Rock with... Nirvana
"Deconsecrators" by Terence Hannum
"Pottery Fragment, early 21st century" by Jennifer Stark
Review: Semibegun's Shitty Music on Tape and I Loved You a Lot
"Octopus Facts" by Chris Heavener
On the Importance of Infrastructure [Anything for a Weird Life]
"The Executive Pool" by Steve Gergley
"There is a Flame Called the Endless Night" by Juliette Sandoval
"Gigantopedia" by Alexander Gradus
Review: Smog Mother by John Wall Barger
Spring Break Scene Report [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems by Rob Kempton
"Series in Which My Body is Not My Body" by Arden Stockdell-Giesler
"Rows of Jaw Bones and Worn Down Teeth" by C. Morgenrede
Two prose poems by Howie Good
from "Founders' Day" by Arzhang Zafar
Social Media and its Discontents [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Jubilee" by Damon Hubbs
"Nothing to See Here" by Bernard Reed
Three poems by Kimberly Swendson
In Praise of Phantomime [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two stories by Robert John Miller
Review: Greetings from Marquette: Music from Joe Pera Talks With You Season 2 by Skyway Man
"Holiday" by Serena Devi
Two poems by Jordan James Ranft
How to Write a Song [Anything for a Weird Life]
BRUISER ZINE 003: Founders' Day by Arzhang Zafar
"March Madness" by Parker Wilson
"At Hirschmann Hospital" by Jan E. Stanek
"I Have Never Made More than Seventy Five Dollars" by John Ling
Tape World: The Six O'Clock Alarm S/T
"Greetings from the Milky Way" by Bethany Cutkomp
Three poems by Jordan Blanchard
Suffer Well, Rejoice Better with Bruce Springsteen, Pt. II [Praise Music for a Secular Life]
A Return to the Arbutus Record Show [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems from CUTTING PROMOS by Josh Shepard
"It Just Feels Good to be Honest" by Carson Jordan
Two prose poems by Tim Frank
Two poems by Jasper Kennedy
Suffer Well, Rejoice Better with Bruce Springsteen, Pt. I [Praise Music for a Secular Life]
In Praise of Black Celebration [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems by Casey Harloe
BRUISER ZINE 002: Cutting Promos by Josh Shepard
"Hilarity" by Kyle E. Miller
"Beyond the Iron Gate is a Garden" by David Hay
Impressions of Disturbin' the Peace 2024: Day Two [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Seaside Condoes of the Minneola Coast" by Travis Dahlke
Your Descent into Violent Candy
"So Below" by Lily Herman
"Great Plains Sin-Eater Vs. Denimpup Gravelsinger" by Rifke Vatsaas
"Pillows in Gomorrah" by Aqeel Parvez
Impressions of Disturbin' The Peace 2024: Day One [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems by C.R. Colby
"The Big Light" by Joshua Vigil
Distorted Transmissions: an Interview with Baltimore Painter Marybeth Chew
Three poems by Joshua Calvano
In Praise of ROCKER [Anything for a Weird Life]
Return to Sender by Nam Hoang Tran
An Essay on Morgenrede's Abuser by Z.H. Gill
Three poems by kyrah gomes
"All the group sex I wasn’t invited to" by Jordan Ferensic
Tape World: Death Grips, Exmilitary CS [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Canine" by Rhys
"Household Spelunker" by Abbie Doll
Two poems by Mallory Payne
In Praise of the Matinee Show [Anything for a Weird Life]
BRUISER Zines Series 1
Review: Ticket to Fame by Decisive Pink
"Ghost Disco" by C.G. Dominguez
"The What" by FM Stringer
I Sing the BODY Electric [Anything for a Weird Life]
BRUISER's 2023 Music Selections
Three prose poems by Marcus Silcock
In Praise of Novelty [Anything for a Weird Life]
Five poems by Ann Pedone
December Shows at the Compound
In Praise of Repetition [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Vanquish" by Dorothy Lune
"Virtuoso" by Sean Kilpatrick & Christopher Parks
"Otherwise" by Robert Stone
"Our Last Day With Orange" by Shauna Friesen
Impressions of Acme Corporation's The Lights Went Out Because of a Problem [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Rian Pecker has Never Made a Perfect Road" by Gram Hummell
"Bittersweet" by Joshua Vigil
Two photos by Paige McGill
2023 Pushcart Nominations
Tape World: Evil Spirits S/T Cassette [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Warpig" by Anthony Neil Smith
The Thanksgiving Truce Holds...for Now [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two girl poems by Anna K. Crooks
BRUISER ZINE 001: girl poems by Anna K. Crooks
"Eve's Inner Witness is Not a Monster" by Dipti Anand
"The Stupid Railroad" by Addison Zeller
"Vicus Cracti" by Some Fool
When Should Your Band Break Up? [Anything for a Weird Life]
"Tutto Passa" by Carson Jordan
"White Mercedes/Faith Healer" by Sy Holmes
"Goddess of fire" by Cait Quirk
"Shit We Don't Need" by SH Woodgeard
See You at The Bean: Impressions of Tripper's EP Release Show [Anything for a Weird Life]
"After not dying" by Alex Shiflett
"Four Men" by Noam Hessler
Two stories by Sean Ennis
"First World Problems" by Jon Doughboy
Tape World: Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation [Anything for a Weird Life]
All This Time You Thought I Was Good: Devin Lunsford and Mark Wadley in Collaboration
"The Tamp Trader" by Felicia Change
"In the Outlet Mall" by Jon Tuttle
"Under the Influence" by bedfordtowers
Why Bandcamp Matters [Anything for a Weird Life]
Three poems by Jordan Blanchard
"Targeted ads" by Lin Elizabeth
The Brink by Janel Leppin [BRUISER APPROVED]
"The Perfect Lawn" by James Callan
"Superimposition" by Rebecca Gransden
"Complacency’s in the glove box of the 1959 Chevrolet Impala parked in the deep end of Nabokov’s swimming pool" by Lucas Zhou
When should a band record in the studio? [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems by Claire Meniktas
Two poems by David P. Miller
"Warm Life" by Kate Ehrenberg
"Takeaway" by Lily Herman
An Open Letter to the Person who Mugged Me [Anything for a Weird Life]
"narcissus panopticon" by aeon ginsberg
Selections from "Burden of Protection" by Cole Wheeler
"Voiceless" by David Hay
Three prose poems by Tim Frank
Found Sound Reviews [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems by Nicholas Barnes
"I've Got Mine: Notes on Neil Young's 'Motion Pictures (For Carrie)'" by Johanna Sommer
Three poems by Jenkin Benson
Review: Carpet Cocoon by Iceblink
"Kathy draws a line" by Will Bindloss
Whartscape: A Look Back [Anything for a Weird Life]
"The More Broken Someone Seems, the More We See Ourselves in Them" by Justin Karcher
spiral poem by aeon ginsberg
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval [#12]
Two poems by Jenna Jaco
"Manscape" by Jon Doughboy
Three micros by Addison Zeller
Artscape: A Look Back [Anything for a Weird Life]
Sculpting Golems and Fog Machines Working Overtime: Interview with Anna Krivolapova, Author of Incurable Graphomania
"I Knew You When You Aspired to the Biologic Imagination" by Juliette Sandoval
"Two Micros: First Shift, Second Shift" by Jess Gallerie
"imagine, if you will, that i am dissociating" by nat raum
from "In Between Snow and Blossom" by Jacelyn Yap
"as Sensationism" by evelyn bauer
Men's Recovery Project, or The Pain of Being Pioneers [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems by Rob Kempton
"Lightning" by Jackson Rezen
"Where I Fold in Half" by Erin Smith
Three poems by Scout Faller
"Shark Poem" by Lexie Mountain
Two wrestling erasures by Josh Shepard
Two poems by Aderet Fishbane
What I Did on my Summer Vacation [Anything for a Weird Life]
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval [#11]
"window offerings" by Ceci Webb
"Sweet Talk" by Ron Riekki
Two poems by Owen Paul Edwards
"How I Broke the Quiz" by by Daniel I. Clark
"Errata" by Noah Rymer
"Meanwhile the Romance of the Chemistry Fizzled Out" by Joshua Martin
Three poems by Eve Young
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval [#10]
"Ham Salad" by KNOX
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval #9
Three poems by Peter Gutierrez
"A Eulogy for the Secretary of the Cleveland Chapter of the Violet Myers Fan Club's Cock" by Jon Doughboy
A Good Long Scream with the FU Review [Alternative Currents #4]
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval #8
Two Stories by Steve Gergley
Two poems by Mike Bagwell
"Just Keep Swimming" by Hana Carolina
"Your World and I" by Patrick Sweeney
"Hang On To Your Ego" by Juliette Sandoval
Mold Omen - Worse for the Where CS [Baltimore Sound Document]
"Harbingers of the Apocalypse" by Mathew Serback
"sanguine" by Ryan Aliapoulios
"Falsettos" by Israel Okonji
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval #7
"Volunteer" by Jesse Hilson
BRUISER t-shirts now available
Three poems by Steve Orth
Three stories by Ada Pelonia
Three poems by David Hay
Poem by Lin Elizabeth
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval #6
"Heart to Heart" by Nam Hoang Tran
"The Swimming Pool" by Kim Farleigh
"New and Selected Poems" by Bobby Parrott
"The Journal of Mary Gurney" by Nathan Perrin
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval #5
Three poems by Rustin Larson
"The Loser" by Jessie Lifton
A World of One's Own [Alternative Currents #3]
DINGO THE END SCOUT IN: "Recital" by Z.H. Gill
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval #4
Fiction: "Debate Team" by Ev Young
Three poems by Daniel J. Flosi
Two poems by David C. Porter
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval #003
Poem: "Warlock Feed" by Oli Johns
Fiction: "Chicken Soup for the Reformed Death-Cultist's Soul" by Jesse Hilson
To Seek the Gnossian Shore [Alternative Currents #2]
Two hole poems by Anna K. Crooks
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval 002
Poem: "Officeparks (The Serpent Convinces David Harridan to Sell It All)" by Noam Hessler
Two poems by aeon ginsberg
Poem: "Thank You For Trusting Us" by Salvatore Difalco
Poem: "Night Drive" by Dan Leach
The Weather Report with Juliette Sandoval 001
Two poems by Jeremy Boyd
Poem: "Paraphernalia" by Maya Stahler
"The Campland Guide to Pack Fitting: 8 Easy Steps" by Kent Kosack
Like Ideas, or Birds in Hell: an interview with David Kuhnlein
"Installations: The Delivery" by Terence Hannum
Confessions of an Authorized Schriftsteller [Alternative Currents]
Three Poems about a Brain Tumour by R.C. Thomas
Fiction: "Peanut Butter Milkshake" by Matt Lee
Dreams Are My Social Life by Rupert Wondolowski [Baltimore Book Release]
Loners Club: A History in Three (or Four) Shows [Anything for a Weird Life]
Three Poems by Atsuhi Ikeda
Poem: "Cool Blue-Tiled Pools" by Damon Hubbs
Poem: "To Be a God" by Brian Austin
Time to Say Goodbye for the Summer [Anything For a Weird Life]
Three poems by Stacy Black
Fiction: "i've got the worry" by Tony Rauch
How Not to Go to Shows [Anything for a Weird Life]
Poem: "The Parking Lot" by Travis Hoyles
"Poem, With Holes in It" by 月 Duhem
Fiction: "Paul, Standing by at Standing Rock" by Matt Gillick
"A scribble, a letter, a thank you" by David Hay
Going Underground at the Undercroft [Anything for a Weird Life]
Fiction: "Strangely Colorado" by John Yohe
Poem: "The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors" by Juliette Sandoval
Citizen Sleeper: Notes Toward a New Cyberpunk
Fiction: "So..." by Jake Williams
Fiction: "Chicken Plucker 9000" by Alex Antiuk
Found Sound Reviews [Anything for a Weird Life]
Poem: "New Year Same Shit." by Eleanor Ball
Jamie Stewart in Conversation with Kelly Xio [Alive at the Same Time]
Fiction: "An Occurrence at L'Auberge Casino Resort - Lake Charles"
Mental Gymnastics by Perhaps Hand [Baltimore Sound Document]
Poem: "The Badlands" by Juliette Sandoval
So You've Been Memed [Anything for a Weird Life]
Fiction: "The Foretold Event and Its Features in Full Relief" by Elliot Swain
An Exercise in New American Art: Interview with Apocalypse Confidential Books editor Will Waltz
My Mother Was Science Fiction by Mosaic Runes [Baltimore Sound Document]
Fiction: "Do Not Publish This" by George Oliver
BRUISER Approved Event: Essential Tremors Presents John Vanderslice
Three poems by James Croal Jackson
Review: MINCE'S CANE VHS by Science Man
Finding Peace in the Valley [Anything for a Weird Life]
Fiction: "I Think It's Important to Stab Something Every Day" by Gerard Butler Jr.
Fiction: "How Many People Will Die in IKEA Tonight" by Tim Frank
Old Man/Young Boy: An Interview with Pro Wrestler Dan Guiterrez
How Many Times Should a Baltimore Band Play Baltimore? [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems by Nate Hoil
Knife by Mast Year [Baltimore Sound Document]
Interview with Kinsey Matthews of Sleepy Sword [Alive at the Same Time]
Poetry: "don't waste flares" by Dave K.
You Are Not What You Own [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two industrial poems by Noam Hessler
Fiction: "Campland is a Store is a System is a Sphincter is the World" by Kent Kosack
Limbo CS by SLOT [Baltimore Sound Document]
Two poems by Stevie Belchak
Spring Show-verlode [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two poems by Keegan Gore
Music Video: "The Moth" by Mucho Mungo (video by WJ.AV)
Fiction: "Yalobusha County Idyll" by Sean Ennis
Three poems by Francesca Kritikos
Leaves Turn Inside You: Seeing Unwound Live 1993-2023 [Anything for a Weird Life]
Fiction: "An Evening in the Summer" by Anna Louise Steig
Fiction: "Epiphenomenon" by J. Billings
Video "Planet" by Greg Hatem [Baltimore Sound Document]
Poem: "The Absorber" by Chadwick Beattie
Underground Show FAQ [Anything for a Weird Life]
Prose poem: "Birthdays" by Rob Kempton
A Valentine's Day Interview with Muscle by Kelly Xio
Prose poem: "beaver dam run or laurel hill" by nat raum
Nonfiction: "Yelp Review of My Father's Funeral"
Found Sound Reviews [Anything for a Weird Life]
Three poems by Alex Osman
Poem: "The Tumbling of Time Like Weeds in the Body" by Logan Roberts
Poem: "Rock My Laurels" by Carson Jordan
Poem: "brand new super-fund site" by A. Redwood
Welcome to Uzumaki [Anything for a Weird Life]
Prose Poem: "Gazing at the Ground" by Fortune Amor
Three poems by Emily Van Ryn
Review: One Person Holds So Much Silence by David Greenspan
Image series: Love Notes by Evangeline Gallagher
Three poems by Hana Kobayashi Shapiro
Past, Present, and Future [Anything for a Weird Life]
Poem: "Zuma Beach (That Face When, That Feel When)" by Z.H. Gill
"Pink Sestina" by Giovanni
Visual Poem: "Choreography for an Apocalypse" by curtis emery
Fiction: "You're Gonna Buy My Old Wooden Table" by Gerard Butler Jr.
How to Use Spotify [Anything for a Weird Life]
Four prose poems by Howie Good
Fiction: "The Rabbi, His Dominatrix and Me" by Emma Burger
Tilly by Denny Kemps [Baltimore Sound Document]
Prose poem: "(The Dream Where) I Break His Teeth and He Pays For My Medical Bill" by E.M. Lark
I Hear Vinyl is Making a Comeback [Anything for a Weird Life]
Fiction: "(P) and (Q) by Dr. Darbus Richards" by Matt Gillick
Fiction: "Academic" by Arzhang Zafar
Reflex of Purpose by Ugly Urges [Baltimore Sound Document]
Image Series: Selections from Pixelated Concrete by Jared Nagel
Two poems by Phoebe O'Dell
Scene Report : Saturday, July 2nd, 2016 [Anything for a Weird Life]
Image Series: Tunnel Story by EMPTYCOLLECTIVE
Grimdark Invocations Against the Demons of Reality by Tim Paggi [Mixtape]
Fiction by Corey Qureshi
Notes on Dhalgren by Bill
Haunted by a Friendly Ghost: The Return of The Hated [Anything for a Weird Life]
Fiction: "How High the Moon" by David Hay
Poem: "Simplification of a Dart Gun Tropical Gymnasium" by Joshua Martin
Fiction: "Bloodletting on E. 43rd Street" by Kat Giordano
Five tarot poems by Arumandhira Howard
Recent Show Observations [Anything for a Weird Life]
Fiction: "The Rain Made Nudity Impossible" by David Kuhnlein
Three Poems by Noam Hessler
Bronze Opportunity EP by Weird Artifacts [Baltimore Sound Document]
Poem: "Kuolema on lehmä (Oui, la mort est une vache), Part I" by Ron Riekki
Four poems by Claire Rychlewski
Found Sound Reviews [Anything for a Weird Life]
Two Poems by Nate Hoil
Tear Sponsor CS by Tear Sponsor [Baltimore Sound Document]
Poem: "It Washes Away and then You Find You Are Happy" by Marie Landau
Fiction: "Angel" by JA Koster
Three poems by AN Grace
TOP TEN [Anything for a Weird Life]
Better Watch Out by DJ Hummingbird Feeder [Mixtape]
For a Fox in the Womb by John Somers [Baltimore Sound Document]
In Praise of Bella Hayes [Anything for a Weird Life]
Poem: "Ode to Storm, Goddess, Thief, Mutant, Queen" by Steven Leyva
Two Prose Poems by Bobby Parrott
Songs for Tāra by Dominique Diglio [Baltimore Sound Document]
Comix: "Anne Hero Adventures" #1-8 by ZH Gill
Poem: "Deliver Us Undamned" by PJ Dominiski
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning [Anything for a Weird Life]
Audiobook: "The Goat Man" by Todd Cage
Three prose poems by Howie Good
Fruits of the Decision Tree by Overcalc [Baltimore Sound Document]
Artworks by Lauren Barbour
Four prose poems by David Hay
Eight Days a Week? [Anything for a Weird Life]
Art: "John Brown" by KNOX
Three poems by Ian Stratton
Attic Room by Small Sur [Baltimore Sound Document]
Fiction: "Dots" by Alex Antiuk
Two poems by Italo Ferrante
Found Sound Reviews [Anything for a Weird Life]
Three poems by Lindsay Raspi
Poem: "Arcadia" by J.R. Barner
The Nowhere Feeling of Holidays [Anything for a Weird Life]
"The BRUISER Staff and All Their Special Sticks" by Z.H. Gill (LA Loser)
Three poems by Arumandhira Howard
Fiction: "Uncle Simms" by Sy Holmes
Letter of Recommendation: Suzanne Doogan [Anything for a Weird Life]
"What Godot Forgot" by Erwin Dink
Fiction: "St. Thomas Memory Care Facility" by Sean Ogilvy
Poem: "Celebrate Your Transition Into A Lot" by Suzanne Doogan
Essay: "The International Sad Players Anthem" by Kelly Xio
Anything for a Weird Life: "Why I Go to Shows" by Tim Kabara
Three poems by Hayden Church
Three prose poems by William Doreski
Poem: "I CAN CONTROL THE WEATHER" by Kate Zeyger
Fiction: "Nomadic" by George Oliver
Two Poems by Stephen Mead
Fiction: "I became a different person" by Tony Rauch
Poem: "Hanyatlásvég (The End of Decay)" by László Aranyi
Fiction: "some more reasons why denby trashed your place" by Tony Rauch
Triptych: "Omnipotence" by Jeshua Schuster
Interview: Matthew Byars of Attorneys General and Essential Tremors
Two Poems by Nicholas Barnes
Fiction: "Sprinkles" by Alex Antiuk
Image: "I fell down and hurt my head again, now I don't believe in words" by Jeshua Schuster
Two Poems by Gabriella Garofalo
Image: "Full Spectrum Dominance" by Jeshua Schuster
Fiction: "A Haunting Manifestation of Musicals Composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber" by James Callan
Collage: "www ww" by Anthony Santulli
Three poems by Joshua Atticus Davis
Fiction: "The Bad Cowboy" by Michael R. Colangelo
Three Prose Poems by Howie Good
Video: "Capybara" by Weird Artifacts
Prose: "Waiting Room" by Frank A. Esparros
Poems: Macabre 1-3 by N. Flaherty Kimball
Poem: "Dream Journal of the Arctic Fox" by Damon Hubbs
Image Series: "Flux" by Fabio Sassi
Poem: "Ball[r]oom(n)" by Damon Hubbs
Poem: "professional gastropod" by Leah Mueller
Collage: "Sun Break" by David Van
Review: Tongue of Silver by Lathe
"A still — Volcano — Life" by Emily Dickinson, Illustrated by Justin Mclean Wheeler
Collage: "Open Head" by David Van
Fiction: "The Pit" by Elyn Turne
Review: Desire by Mope Grooves
Collage: "We're a Puzzle" by David Van
Mixed Media: "Abolish" by Lauren Barbour and KNOX
Video: "Pack Up Every Piece" by Nick Vyssotsky
Collage: "Say Less" by David Van
Fiction: "The Shape of a Parked Car at Lunch" by Elliot Swain
Monotype series by Lauren Barbour
Collage: "Another Another Green World" by David Van
Fiction: "The Quarterly" by Tim Paggi
Screenprint: "Looking Through" by Lauren Barbour
Collage: "Skulls of Acrylic Thought" by Austyn Sullivan
Poem: "Each voice The tenth [of a] $" by Joshua Martin
Poem: "Mind Muscle and The Two Romance System." by Lish Ciambrone
Collage: "Nine of Swords" by Austyn Sullivan
Poem: "Regardless of an ode,,to whistle diagonally [parachute]" by Joshua Martin
Collage: "Void Flowers" by Austyn Sullivan
Fiction: "Jump Rope" by Jonathan Tuttle
Poem: "Stuck in a White Spotlight Gallery, Deserted, the Raging Plague outside a Wasteland" by Gram Hummell
Photo Series: "El Golpe Avisa" by Andrés Pérez Samayoa
Fiction: "Mold" by Jonathan Tuttle
Poem: "Monolith made of black paper mâché" by Gram Hummell
Painting: "3-Minute Idol" by Keagan
Fiction: "Construction" by Jonathan Tuttle
Painting: "SEE what we did" by Ariel Claborn
Essay: "Collapse-as-Catharsis, or; Hallelujah!" by Jan E. Stanek
Painting: "The conglomerate pulled the world card" by Ariel Claborn
Poem: "Bunny Rabbit" by Hayden Church
Type poem by Nilam Sari
Poem: "Sacred Vibes" by Aniket Sanyal
Painting: "Some forms taken when confronting a power grab and the colors that defy it" by Ariel Claborn
Poem: Untitled by Jeremy Boyd
Poem: "Knowing the Mouse Might One Day Leave Its Hole and Get the Cheese...It Fills You with Determination" by J. Bailey Hutchinson
Poem: "Passes to His Reward" by William Fargason
Image Series: "Rambo" by Jeshua Schuster
Video: "Burning Flowers (Behind the Castle, in the Shadow of the Pyramid, Under the Lake)" by Jake Winstanley
Poem: "Deception" by Jeremy Boyd
Poem: "Playfully Crinkling through the Leaves Fills You with Determination" by J. Bailey Hutchinson
Poem: "Deep End Sonnet" by William Fargason
Photo Series: "When We Break How We Shine" by Devin Lunsford
Film: "Munco's Bad Fur Day" by Nicky Otis Smith
Poem: "Going 30" by Jeremy Boyd
Poem: "The Shadow of the Ruins Looms above, Filling You with Determination" by J. Bailey Hutchinson
Poem: "When the Telemarketer Calls" by William Fargason