

RIP Sarah Ellen Underhill
October 9, 1986 - December 19, 2022

Sarah Underhill grew up in Racine, Wisconsin and for the last ten or so years made Baltimore, Maryland her home. Known to many as Sarah Danger, she was a vital supporter and contributor to the music and arts scenes in Baltimore, Wisconsin, and Memphis, and a genuine friend to nearly everyone she met. She died at home due to complications from Type I diabetes, which she had battled for her entire life. She was a beloved friend, collaborator, daughter, sister, and aunt. We’ll miss her deeply.

On Friday, February 3rd we’ll be celebrating her life in the way we know she would have wanted, a punk rager at Baltimore’s iconic Ottobar, complete with a hot dog truck. All proceeds from this show will benefit the Mid Atlantic Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.


I’ve been reading through the hundreds of amazing posts about her on fb and ig these past few days and it has really helped me process this massive loss. She’s been called legendary, a style icon, a streak of neon lightning, a bright shining star and all are true.

When wildhoney first took her on tour I remember suggesting she might not be a good fit and was a bit too loud and intense for the trip. Little did I know she had this whole other kind and caring and empathetic side. I will miss it all but mostly I’ll miss the sweet friend that would rub my shoulder and tell me she loves me and give me a big Sarah hug.

I’ll miss playing music with her and the excitement she had to keep learning and growing as a musician and artist. I’ll miss her snort laugh that always put a smile on my face regardless of my mood. And I’ll miss her positive outlook on life and her unconditional love and support.

I’ve been crying thinking about how I won’t get to introduce her as Auntie Sarah to my child that will be here early next year. But someday I’ll pull up some old photos from our shows and trips and I’ll tell them all about this amazing woman.

Grab a corn dog and pour out some pickle juice for this beautiful freak.

- Zach Inscho

Sarah was a dyed-in-the-wool party animal, unrepentant rocknroller, tireless supporter of local music, bringer of candy to band practice, and my friend. I met her at Gonerfest 9 before she moved to Baltimore and when she made it here the next year it was like we’d known each other for decades. She went to every show my band played and we’d end up making music together in Eggman. She bought art that I made and took selfies every time we hung out. The last time I saw her we danced our asses off to Rock Lobster” and this is how I’ll always remember her. I miss you, Sarah Danger.

- Mark Wadley

This past summer, I was working on a project with Sarah to record demos for one the people she worked with, as a therapeutic exercise. In her day job, Sarah helped people. Even as she herself was suffering, she was helping other people, displaying maximum Cool and absolute cheer the whole time. Sarah Danger was more punk than almost anyone, because she was more kind and honest and vulnerable than almost anyone. A true blazing bright light in a dark and crappy world. A force for Awesome. We are less without her.

- Mike Walls

This page is a living tribute. If you have pictures or memories of Sarah you would like to have included here, please email

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