
Monolith made of black paper mâché

Fanged salts stretch endlessly and forever
Pierced veil, no it was rent—
(You and I tore it)
Crystaline gypsum white, the indigo shrouded
Sky hangs low over the dunes at midnight

Several turnings
Misplaced desire
Confounding examinations
Fires left to the fates burning far

Solar misgivings and covert adorations
A lunar empress, broken down to faint and dusted
Beams loosed to be threaded between
The hands of a dial
A soft moment to hang at last
Purged of uncertain result

Fairlight cradle
gazing across the checkerboard floor
Open 11 a.m. pantry door ajar
Sesame oil
Busted mr. coffee

Staring deep into the lilting crease
Light copal beams suffusing the corner
With secret fire
The rising wind inside me
Lonely and longing and reaching

Colored miles shrank between us
The reverie mutually explored
my old jeans ripped and you laughed
The surf rolled drawn-out in the distance
Pastel and felt like forever

The force of this microscopic
Interstitial study in shards
Delusional eternities
Longing significances
Ripped and lysergic

Wrecked from the outside-in
The other day I watched a man hop the curb
And flatten a streetlamp
Its caged head decapitated and flung

Gram Hummell

Twitter: @yungmagii

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