

I scream into my space helmet.
I’m not in space, of course
But they’ll let you buy a spacesuit even if you’re
Not an astronaut.

It’s pouring here on the sidewalk.
Just this sidewalk.
But if I crossed over there,
It’d pour over there.

Dirt embraces the raindrops in my soles.
In other words,
Someone ran past me
And grime got on my heels.
I don’t want this to ruin my day,
So I convince myself that the artificial sun
Will clean it when I get home.

I didn’t even bother to check the weather
Before going outside.
I knew it when I woke up and my hands were gray
Mars is habitable now,
But I can’t afford a rocket ship.
I think I’d be lonely there anyways.

I thought there was a rainbow just now
But it turns out I’m dizzy.
What I actually saw was my upper eyelids.
I blink and there’s lightning shooting out of my eyes.
I see it all clearly now.

I’ve been categorized
To think I’m something smaller than I am.
Perhaps I’ve been exhaling gunpowder too hard
So that clouds form over my head.

Maybe the weather controls me after all.

Kate Zeyger

IG: @katezzey

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