
Bronze Opportunity EP by Weird Artifacts

2023, self-released

Weird Artifacts is the home-recording project of 33-year-old Marylander, Jason Aud, a self-taught overdubbist following the Brian Eno model: a non-musician” who can play his instruments well enough to get what he wants from them, utilizing the studio (cheap mics & free software) to actualize his ideas. Active since 2007, he released albums online under various aliases (Jason The Swamp, Hugging, Monk Seals) and composed scores for a few independent films before establishing the Weird Artifacts name in 2017, soon taking up collaging as a visual counterpart to the music. He works a day job as a graphic designer.

Most of these tracks were recorded during sessions for the last couple albums. Petroglyph and Console Laid Eggs had been kicking around, unfinished, since 2014. As a special treat, they’ve been pulled out of storage, dusted off, and glued together, just for you.

Weird Artifacts

IG: weirdartifacts

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