She wages war on the human animal
the dirt blessing industrial heaven
the weather of utopia is mechanical
and spreads my wings and pins me down
I breathe in the factory fire
as if it were a flower
She is rubbing me out with smoke
trapping me in the greenhouse
The oil spills take an edge
urban fantasies alight my imagination
the city water is clear with poison
something tells me we’ll bend soon
She wages war on the human animal
The chemtrails are real clouds
illuminated by a darkened mind
Her passion for the city is a fantastic beast
a monster which sighs into the Wheel
the gears which run my desire
in Time with the 9-5 workday
Where is the line between
Heaven and Earth
The medicine is poison, the medicine is poison
My love is a pharmakon, inhaling deeply
I tend to them
one by one
in a chemical bath of prayers wrapped in plastic
and the hard water tastes like last year’s arsenic
Now I wait in the Fire Training Tower
it is raining on the Anonymous Avenue
with a name that makes me think of you
here, dim steel sheds are lit from within
a gift to the imitation Salomes
who say nothing with such burning intensity
I captures personalities
like fragments of light
on the refractor
they drip in painted color
I don’t know how to reconcile
this unnatural disaster
I admit I find beauty in the decay
the weeds plant seeds in my body
as I wander the city streets
Looking for paradise lost
because I believe if I were
to arrest Love the earth would break
with desire causing life to grow
through the pain, until we were all
possessed by the gardening instinct once again
Twitter: @j36712604