
Kuolema on lehmä (Oui, la mort est une vache), Part I

Death is a liquor store. What I mean by that is I have hemorrhoids.
Is that how you pronounce it? My uncle told me about doing construction
and watching people fall. He said it usually happened while eating lunch.
I worked on a death machine. It was a Holy Ghost version. I keep sitting
down and realizing my roommate pissed on the seat. We hate football.

My uncle was a liquor store. What I mean by that is I once killed a cow.
I mean, ate a cow. Have you ever? She tells me that she’s better with
loneliness. I tell her I’m good at being lonely too. We should get together!
I’m friends with an ex-porn star. She looks cute nowadays. Karuna. She’s a Holy
Ghost version. I keep sitting down in my roommate’s freaking piss. I hate hate.

Death is my uncle. The biggest player in college basketball is back!
I’ll do anything for fun. I fell in love with the women of the Jing’an District.
Here is something I’d tell my ex-: continue on this theme of gratitude!
I’d go inner tubing instead of church. It was better. I ran out of pubes.
It’s good to be alive. It’s good to be dead. Yup, just sat in piss again.

Death is my death. What I mean by that is I have bronze john. Is that how
you mispronounce it? The deaths in the military were cinematographical
and my PTSD is a blow job. It’s a Holy Ghost blow job. I worked on
a ghostbulance. When I worked in healthcare, we had no health insurance.
In particular, whiplash. The last reading I did, I quit. Yup, more piss.

Ron Riekki

Twitter: @RiekkiRon

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