
Poetry by Phoebe O’Dell

Blacked Out

The uneasiness of
My indecisiveness

Of rekindling
This back and forthness

As if the smooth ingest of a rail does sooth

I take another shot

Thoughts at 21:34

That came out of left field / drizzled / the umpires had a good comeback / maxed out is a saying I never ever say / she dropped a tray of shots / and to be honest I had 19 missed calls from you / a sticky floor from the night before / time is a collection of scabs on a shelf above our bed / when we were nine that was our pastime / did we really think we could save the world?! / straws and the last straw / tick tick / forever feels unfeasible

Phoebe O’Dell

IG: @phreebird

Up next Scene Report : Saturday, July 2nd, 2016 [Anything for a Weird Life] Image Series: Selections from Pixelated Concrete by Jared Nagel
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