
Baltimore Sound Document

My Mother Was Science Fiction by Mosaic Runes

Weisskalt Records, 2023

My Mother Was Science Fiction is the first full length album from Mosaic Runes, the independent electronic music project of Shane McCarthy. The album was written and recorded in McCarthy’s home studio north of Baltimore MD. Using unsynced machines, synths, drum machines, field samples, record samples, percussion, computer software and multiple other electronic tools, the album was created during a 10 week span of early morning sessions from January to March 2023.

My Mother Was Science Fiction consists of 9 tracks flowing together with sprawling variations in emotion and landscape. Like the planets of the solar system, the songs are vastly different but still orbit around the same central energy. Each track transports the listener to a new world, a new story and emotion. Each track creates new meanings in religion, creation, life and death as it might be seen in parallel universes and science fiction stories.

The opening track Cradling the Golden Dawn exhales a peaceful tone for the first few songs as the listener arrives at each new place; greeted with comfort but left with lingering curiosity and a sense of uneasiness. Track 4, Acid Pool Baptism arrives with a complete sonic assault on the traveler, a plunge into harsh landscapes and fractured sounds.

Through the rest of the album, we are shown the deep parts of Mosaic Runes’ fictional universe with tracks diving into deep cold spaces and religious altars on ancient alien planets as the album closes with Gift of the Mosaic Order.”

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