maintain photomontage fingernail clippings. until
SALTY structure to maintain ruined wavelength /
[in] righteous [of hampers] monocle [accoutrement]
)))))heavenly hatPIN in the gizzard((((( branch off
the crumb. lifetime, shiny, baby doll buildings stub,
for dialogue:“lovelorn suit of cabbage policy sun” .
alcoholic binoculars imprint DINOSAUR enigma
- - - adaptation with mustache lung - - - glimpse
trouble = CHARM = as penguin loyal VOICE =
with socks. and beefeaters kissing bramble line
, MIRAGE. Lights limp. moodiest axe blimp(a),
in vain! (seething upon tattoo arms lEAp lid , , .
contain/refrain? no sense phone booth. leaky off.
regardless plaited harelips: what matter? Increase.
Twitter: @jmartinpoetry