

The Brink by Janel Leppin

Cassette, Shiny Boy Press, 2023

A major contributor to the DC/Baltimore experimental music scene with her duo Janel & Anthony and Ensemble Volcanic Ash–as well as her solo moniker, Mellow Diamond–cellist Janel Leppin debuts her first solo release under her full name with The Brink–out today, October 20th, on Baltimore label Shiny Boy Press.

Playing solo is a marathon. Playing solo demands both a physical and emotional steadfastness. Accompanying oneself with four strings is limiting. That limitation can open new ways for me to play. Walking into my 35th year as a cellist, that’s a welcome process for me. I’m always interested in how I can transform my approach to the instrument.”

Janel Leppin

An extension of the Baltimore Sound Document series, BRUISER APPROVED highlights new music releases from outside the Beltway. Labels and artists may submit releases for consideration to

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