
Dream Journal of the Arctic Fox

Above, the flying machine / wing tracks span between rowan and birch /
maintaining territory / new expansion /
the steel-trap beak a golden ratio curving into my nape

running, the snow’s metallic squelch / the air
a biting slobber of fermented shark / running
out     of     fur
                   and land.


on volcanic seamounts
in the bioluminescence of the bone-house

*scale worms fight for the sky candle*

shimmering scales
of sequined armor
hang, ragged
& torn
like Grendel’s arm

as ancient mariners
dig through root cellars
blind as bats.

*is this a saga?


your transparent skull
giant eye cast heavenward
suckers, tips, suction
bummock keel the bruised dregs.

Kraken icebergs calved from glaciers leave melting footprints on the sea.


My runic body casts no shadow / Have I outfoxed the sun?

Damon Hubbs

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