
Baltimore Sound Document

Planet” by Greg Hatem

BRUISER is excited to premiere the music video for Baltimore musician Greg Hatem’s Planet,” the first single from his forthcoming album, Sure Circuit.

In October 2022, Hatem attended a one-week session at South Porch Artist Residency in Summerville, SC which served as the preliminary writing and recording sessions for Sure Circuit. He wrote:

When I arrived at the residency, I was the only one there to utilize the huge studio space — a large and empty room with concrete floors and a natural reverberation tail that seemed to follow my every move like a lost dog. It was in that setting where I realized I needed to make a record about instinct and hard-wired queer identity. About what happens when you are alone with your imagination, what kind of melodies and textures escape from the deep plunge of solitude in an empty room. After a week in SC, I headed back up to Baltimore with several fresh tracks and a newfound focus. In the following months, I completed Sure Circuit at my home in Baltimore.”

Sure Circuit consists of twelve, short instrumental tracks ranging in genre from psychedelic indie pop to downtempo/breakbeat dance music. The thread connecting the percussive peaks to the ambient valleys is a reliance on first-take intuition and improvisation as a compositional tool. It is released April 7th on streaming services and CD via Baltimore’s illustrious 20/20 Records & Tapes.

Baltimore Sound Document features new music releases from Baltimore artists. To have your music considered, email .

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