
Rumored Whereabouts

There was nothing I could do. I was under a car, sheltering from the debris raining down, bricks and glass and chunks of concrete. Until that moment, the state ideological apparatus had obscured the real conditions of our existence. I resolved to henceforth be like the unruly drunks you read about who are unaffected when tasered — even when tasered again and again. In the meantime, the boat in the nearby slip was on fire. Smoke engulfed my head. I swear I could hear the phone bot saying, All our representatives are resisting other customers at this time.”

Death by Emoji

I receive a postcard in the mail guaranteeing me a chance to win one of 1,000 prizes. Me! A man who thinks clouds look like things! Meanwhile, a new study has found frequent emoji users Wear civilian clothes, pass messages, kill.” It’s not unlike what happened at the world premiere of the Moonlight Sonata. Beethoven played the piano with such violence that the strings snapped and became entangled in the hammers. There’ve been nights I’ve been woken up by sirens and screams and thought, You’re in the middle of history now.” Even the worst weather cannot stop it or prevent a personal Jesus from selling counterfeit tickets to heaven behind the KFC.

American Century

A van drove up with 20 of them, all armed. The police couldn’t — or wouldn’t — do anything. Somehow you slept right through it, the end of the American Century, dead bodies strewn in the road, a few already bloated.

The air is colorless but charged with virus. Imagine you’re lying in the shade of beautiful trees,” the meditation instructor on Zoom encourages. The coffins keep arriving.

Now I understand what Jeremiah, aka the Weeping Prophet,” father of orphans and the inventor of mental funk, was saying. He was saying, forswear this world, if only to not disturb the birds nesting in its empty eye sockets.

Howie Good


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