check / the crust of a hourglass planet / focus / an Hubble’s eye
view of a hangnail / the sunspots on my back / you ogle
mechanically / rather than lustfully / a reminder that I will fall
like a raw egg / into a giant drop of honey / when I look at you /
a surge of hold-me / drain-me / slingshots me across the room /
expensive flowers & mud in my undies / mean please stop /
a doll-sized black hole & half-moon eyebags / translate as
thank you / my sun sign makes me prone / to starve the weeks
away / until our disjunction / becomes conjunction / Venus
retrograde / explains why I shave my head / every night / & how
my chest big bangs for you
if you shove a snugnose in the mailbox
you’ll find galvanic skin at the base of my spine
early morning goodbyes vibrate at low speed
through punchproof glass i let open questions
tazer me like a bio bracelet yes you can wear
my heartbeat i’ll rent a storage unit & fill it
with absolutely nothing you said i could crash
at your place as long as i’d mute my breath why
do all windows lead to you reason one: your name
a backspace reason two: my left eye the lazy one
detects you like a crane swinging out of control
reason three: i never see you as the end
Email: [email protected]