
Deep End Sonnet

I do not know     how to say this
any way other than     I do not enjoy
being alive     each time I dove
from the high dive     into the deep end

there were moments     I didn’t want
to surface     I was only eight
the other kids played     a game
in the shallow end     and I dove

with my goggles on     to watch
the light     refract on the pool floor
like crumpled tin foil     my mother
scanning the water     for my head

O mother I’m sorry     you gave me
life     I don’t want it anymore

William Fargason

Twitter: @williamfargason
Instagram: @williamfargason

Up next Photo Series: "When We Break How We Shine" by Devin Lunsford Poem: "Playfully Crinkling through the Leaves Fills You with Determination" by J. Bailey Hutchinson
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