do not speak to me
say your grace
put your elbows on the table
smack with all sides of your mouth
allow your lips to grow slack
after sucking out the marrow
pick bits of viscera out of your canines
with the cracked bones
swallow your dinner’s pride and
consider the savory
lick the inside of your cheek
caught up in gourmandizing
bite your tongue
mix all the blood together and
crave metal
your mouth a ravenous cradle
toss the sinew but
allow the fat to melt on the tongue
hum a lullaby and rub your belly
to better digest
waves parting a briny, petulant tide
a hole punched in a polaroid picture
lightning rods in the knot of an oak tree
stone tying the blind river to its course
amorphous piles of sinew and fat
bones made slack over time hearing voices
dearly departed delta sediment
a bottle of whoops and roars untethered
sandbags awaiting precious floodwater
a towering cumulus prone to sink
prince rupert’s drop and a pair of pliers
something categorically petrified
but still the body fettered to green earth
must find time to be none of these and real
IG: @yourunclecozy