
Poetry by Conor Hultman

Peachtree St

teeth are natural & in fair repair
two red sweatshirts one ultra fleece 220 & the other hanes
pair of red sweatpants
pair of blue dickie pants
black nylon belt
white&red socks
dunlap leather lowcut velcrostrap athletic shoes
red skigloves
red knit hat
brown corduroy coat
kroger receipts found in his pockets were from macon GA
purple comb
chrysler ignition key
$41 in food stamps
witnessed jumping from the nineteenth story of the hyatt hotel striking the floor
the decedent suffered multiple bluntforce injuries

Harris St

he had multiple scars in the left antecubital fossa (elbow)
gray shirt w/ gray stripes
gray corduroy pants
red socks
gray leather shoes
red womens panties
the decedent was found in the alley behind a building
a broken bottle w/ blood on it was found in the alley
DNA testing of evidence showed profile from more than one person

Edgewood Ave

a large inguinal hernia
a undescribed tattoo on his left upper arm
checkered blue&red shirt
black trousers
khaki socks
darkblue undershirt
black shorts
white metal band ring on right index finger
yellowwhite metal chain bracelet
white metal ring on left 5th finger
darkbrown runningshoes
near some railroad tracks near a shack used by homeless persons
possibly went by the name of pops

Conor Hultman


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