
Regardless of an ode,,to whistle diagonally [parachute]

(shower) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , balloon CONNECTING forms
obscure sometimes furniture jelly anarchist luck/lost . . . .

fOUnD , , , , TV screen PLASTIC CUP cousin flopping
: | : | [& credit crackling suspenders] >>>> bowler teeth

. . . . dEEpEr . . . . selling gas masks,culture,pumpkins,
pits, zebra property/spray ) top HaTs . . . . skyscraper :

fences/rotten tigers whisper/older the spaghetti sauce
mutual/wool all sodas and prepare MINNESOTA snow

, , , , penny arcade pie crusts (diamond sheriffs) WaLl
> > > > [to stretch accent] / trustful poses,kick,demon

: : : : dEcK : : : : barons of bAlMy candiEs , , , , thumb
weLt . . . . switchblade carriage humus graves sneeze (

crooked eyelid TARPS or re-thinking rattling lungs : :
: : libraries climb walls pass kiss : : : : blindness . . . .

Joshua Martin

Twitter: @jmartinpoetry

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