
poetry by Nate Hoil

Friendly Neighborhood Loan Sharks.

Me and my friends all have places to be,
but we all leave our homes at the same time.

This traffic jam is made up of all of my friends.

Late for the dinner reservation, the dinner
is already paid for;
the dinner never arrives.

I talk business with my empty wallet;
bank robbers stumble inside my empty bank account.

I see my surroundings and think they’re alright…
not great…
pretty average…

I leave the surroundings
and immediately
forget what they look like.

The Holy Sacrament is Laced with Acid.

There’s a reason for every lie ever told;
I lie in order to manifest an alternative reality.

I come to your house and pretend it’s my house.
I come to your party
and act like I have your disease.

  1. There’s a time to behave, and a time to stuff your face
    in someone’s birthday cake.
  2. There’s a time to stick your thumb in your enemy’s
    mashed potatoes.

I sneak out the door, but the door slams behind me…
the door crashes down off its frame.

  1. Everyone you’ve ever met has done bad things.

I remember everything
you forgot

to write down.

Nate Hoil

Twitter: @natehoil
IG: @natehoil

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