
Poetry by Owen Edwards

Bear Lake

Best way to die
is go in the woods
and hide.

It’s nice to lay down
and not be found.
I’ll be where the sky is

purple, the world and trees
and hills are frozen
waves in the dark.

A woodpecker crashed in.
The wind is shaking
grass like a pocket of stars.

Aspen, sing your song.
Give me a hill to sled down.
Make my brain a pile of dirt.

I’ll remember you.
Your mom in the water.
Cotton pieces snowing.

People will forget me
between jobs and dinners
but I’ll be here. Yes I will.

Darling Stood Empty

Put your spoon in my bucket
make it creamy
make it good
make it whisper
like a soft hand
Get on the road
gut frogs to the rhinos
mess with the barreling
carcass you’re dragging
take it ever farther
call it swine Don’t
make a pie
and burn like a cutlass
The way you crushed
rubies and genitals made me
wonder at your soup ladle
You heard
they’re putting devils
in with our grain
We shall resort to bulbous
veggies for dinner
My dream so perfect
grooves the knife
It’s a gnarly trick
Remember the golden ones
who passed through
this river before us
The chair isn’t so bad
It has nice design
for talking
guns and music
We still don’t
got the mettle
to get this tin can
spinning like deer bacon

Owen Edwards

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