
Celebrate Your Transition Into A Lot

In my dream
I was the wink
That shot past you
Just me and my gosh!
Happy after our future
Because I would also like 50 peaches

Proudly endorse the various personas of work
So that we can play ceremonial drums and grow up

Always pose in any sort of corny way,
Always pose in front of huge decals,
Always look like 50 peaches

This looks like an absolutely great posture
But the resemblance is apathetic, and
Looks like something from some other museum, too

Touched by so many photographs by an angel
Touching quality downgraded, there were a lot—
A museum of having too much fun, they
Taught me how to represent myself and the resemblance is uncanny
Wish you were here so I am leaving that stuff,
Quality downgraded to emphasize a really strange picture

I want to look like I am always leaving
I pose in front of your transition into your upper twenties

Extreme altitude is that we were instructed to race dogs,
Extreme attitude is too cool for a plant, hanging out

I was the wink that shot past you but tonight you might
Be right!!

Suzanne Doogan

IG: @dogheadbutterflysilhouette

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